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Category: Abortion

Anti-abortion groups call on Dane, Milwaukee DAs to prosecute abortion providers

Anti-abortion groups are asking the district attorneys in Dane and Milwaukee counties to enforce an 1849 state law that they say bans abortion except to save the life of a pregnant person. Their call comes a week after Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin resumed abortion services following a ruling by a judge who said the law does not apply to consensual medical abortions. 
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Panel weighs in on workforce challenges, state budget

The 2023-25 state budget includes a slew of healthcare and long-term care investments, but lawmakers left out key planks of Gov. Tony Evers' original proposal. 
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Evers calls special session to tackle workforce, including healthcare

Gov. Tony Evers on Tuesday called for a special session of the Legislature to take up a broad workforce initiative, which would in part create a paid family and medical leave program, continue a grant program to help regional organizations respond to healthcare-related workforce challenges and provide around $60 million to grow the healthcare workforce. 
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Budget heads to Evers

The state’s 2023-25 budget is heading to Gov. Tony Evers for his consideration, after the Republican-controlled Assembly approved the plan on a 63-34 party-line vote. 
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