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Agrace Vice President of Homecare Operations Jenny Malak Appointed to State Board of Nursing

MADISON, Wis. – Jenny Malak, vice president of homecare operations for Agrace, has been appointed by Governor Tony Evers to serve on the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Malak is one of eight members to serve on the Board from across the state. She will serve as one of two licensed practical/registered nurses for a term of four years.

The Wisconsin State Board of Nursing is responsible for any issue related to the safety of public health and the protection of public from illegal and unauthorized nursing practices. It also enforces standardized training and certifications for all nurse assistants, registered nurses, and advanced medical professionals in Wisconsin.

As vice president of homecare operations, Malak oversees Agrace’s in-home hospice operations, its chronic specialty care program and Agrace Grief Support. She is a registered nurse and is certified in hospice and palliative nursing. Prior to joining Agrace, she held positions as a hospital staff nurse and an ambulatory care charge nurse.

“As a long-time Wisconsin RN I am humbled, grateful and excited to be appointed by Governor Evers to the State Board of Nursing. I look forward to combining my passion for nursing, standards and policy work as the Board works on innovative approaches to nurses caring for the people of Wisconsin,” said Malak.

Malak also serves on several other local and national committees, including the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation’s (NPHI) chief clinical officer/chief operations officer forum, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) quality and standards committee, the Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders’ new membership committee and the Wisconsin Nurses Association Workforce Advocacy Council.

For more information about Agrace, call (608) 276-4660 or visit


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