Tim Stumm, Author at Wisconsin Health News https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/author/tstumm/ A daily roundup of Wisconsin healthcare news. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 18:11:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Advocate Health receives prestigious sustainability award https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/12/05/advocate-health-receives-prestigious-sustainability-award/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 18:11:16 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=53100 Reflecting the health system’s pledge to lead on environmental sustainability, Advocate Health has been named a “2023 Health Care Climate Action Winner” by Health Care Without Harm, an internationally recognized leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.

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Reflecting the health system’s pledge to lead on environmental sustainability, Advocate Health has been named a “2023 Health Care Climate Action Winner” by Health Care Without Harm, an internationally recognized leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.

The award follows the enterprise’s efforts to combat climate change by making its buildings greener, using renewable energy via on-site solar, eliminating desflurane use in anesthesia gases and more.

“We pledged to be more sustainable because the health of our communities is tied so closely to the environmental conditions where we live,” said Al Manshum, Advocate Health’s senior vice president of support services. “Thank you to all of our teammates whose efforts make Advocate Health a greener place to work.”

The health system has pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and strive for net zero carbon by 2035. Reinforced through the White House’s and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Care Sector Climate Pledge, this commitment underscores its resolution to make sweeping health and equity improvements across the communities it serves.

“Helping people live fully means helping ensure they have clean air to breathe and a sustainable future for their children,” said Dr. David Callaway, chief of crisis operations and sustainability for Advocate Health. “We’re proud of this recognition, which highlights our unwavering commitment to addressing climate change.”

Learn more about the Health Care Without Harm awards here.

The latest recognition builds on the health system’s track record of sustainability work. In Advocate Health’s Midwest region, 24 hospitals were awarded multiple environmental sustainability awards from Practice Greenhealth, the nation’s leading organization dedicated to sustainability in health care. In its Southeast region, the Environmental Protection Agency recognized its energy efficiency programs and 26 Energy Star certified buildings.

A second campus of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, the academic core of Advocate Health, is currently under construction in a new innovation district in Charlotte. It is being built to a carbon-zero and LEED Gold standard, while also achieving a WELL Building Standard. It is believed this will be the nation’s first net-zero carbon medical school when it seats its first class in 2025.

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GOP senators question DHS Secretary-designee Johnson on COVID-19, abortion https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/09/29/gop-senators-question-dhs-secretary-designee-johnson-on-covid-19-abortion/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:23:17 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=52659 Republican senators questioned Department of Health Services Secretary-designee Kirsten Johnson during her Wednesday confirmation hearing about the COVID-19 pandemic, abortion and improving relations between Family Care managed care organizations and long-term care providers.

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Healthcare workforce shortage hitting Family Care program hard https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/09/29/healthcare-workforce-shortage-hitting-family-care-program-hard/ Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:20:24 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=52657 The state’s labor shortage is hitting the long-term care industry particularly hard, posing hurdles for people to get the care that they need.

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Chicago Area Public Health Leaders Exemplify Commitment to Health Equity and Social Justice https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/09/21/chicago-area-public-health-leaders-exemplify-commitment-to-health-equity-and-social-justice/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 16:40:50 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=52600 Chicago, Ill. – The Health & Medicine Policy Research Group (Health & Medicine) has announced winners of its 2023 annual awards for leaders in the field of publiChicago Area Public […]

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Chicago, Ill. – The Health & Medicine Policy Research Group (Health & Medicine) has announced winners of its 2023 annual awards for leaders in the field of publiChicago Area Public Health Leaders Exemplify Commitment to Health Equity and Social Justicec health. The winners will be celebrated at a gala on September 20th at Ignite Glass Studios in Chicago.

“Each year, we honor extraordinary public health leaders whose work embodies our shared commitment to equity and social justice,” said Health & Medicine Executive Director Margie Schaps. “The challenges before us are enormous and these awardees give us hope that we can indeed create a better future.”

The Health Award recognizes an individual working within the health arena with an emphasis on public health and improvements in the health of populations. This year’s recipient, Nasir Zakaria, is a community leader for the Rohingya population and is known nationally and internationally throughout the Rohingya community for establishing the first-of-its-kind Rohingya Culture Center.

The Medicine Award recognizes an individual whose work in any aspect of health care delivery fosters system or institutional improvements. This year’s recipient, Dr. Jorelle Alexander of Cook County Health,

is an exceptional leader who prioritizes access to high-quality oral health care for everyone and remains committed to providing direct patient care; designing programs tailored to community needs; expanding access to care; and coordinating teams to deliver exceptional programs, services, and quality oral health care.

The Policy Award recognizes an individual working in advocacy, government, media, or philanthropy whose work encompasses many facets of policy analysis, development, planning, and implementation. This year’s recipient,

Katie Thiede of ICAN! (Illinois Contraceptive Access Now) is a tireless champion for health equity and access to high-quality reproductive health care who has spent the last decade of her career in Chicago leading reproductive health and rights organizations.

The Research Award recognizes an individual involved in any aspect of quantitative or qualitative research, community-based research, or evaluative research that promotes improvements in quality of life while recognizing the multiple determinants of health. This year’s recipient Diana Lemos, PhD, MPH, of the American Medical Association, is passionate about community well-being and social and racial justice, combining her community psychology and public health background to drive positive change.

The Group Award recognizes that the sum of the whole is often greater than the individual parts and honors an organization or coalition that supports or enhances community self-determination and independence, focuses its work on any of the determinants of health, and has had an impact beyond the scope of its programs. This year’s recipients are Acclivus, Inc. and the Healthy Illinois Campaign.

Acclivus, Inc. is a community health organization focused on improving the health and well-being of Chicago’s most vulnerable populations. Using intentional social networks to serve individuals, primarily those from communities that are disproportionately impacted by compounding barriers to health and success, Acclivus provides resources and support to assist at-risk Chicago residents with personal and professional growth.

The Healthy Illinois Campaign was founded in 2014 with the goal of making quality, affordable health care coverage accessible to all people in Illinois, regardless of immigration status. Structured as a coalition of grassroots organizations, health care providers, and policy groups, Healthy Illinois uses community organizing and advocacy to fight for immigrant access to health care.

The Emerging Leader Award recognizes leaders with less than 15 years of experience who are currently involved in community-based work with broadly defined public health implications. This year’s recipients are Bonnie Ewald and Dr. Ezekiel Richardson.

Bonnie Ewald is a dedicated public service professional working at the intersection of health care and social service delivery, health policy, research, and education to improve our problematic health care system, and ultimately, improve health and quality of life for marginalized communities.

Ezekiel Richardson is an emergency medicine physician in the city of Chicago, where he works with multiple organizations to prolong the lives of residents of underserved communities through medical care, organizing, and activism.

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Agrace Vice President of Homecare Operations Jenny Malak Appointed to State Board of Nursing https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/09/21/agrace-vice-president-of-homecare-operations-jenny-malak-appointed-to-state-board-of-nursing/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 16:36:32 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=52598 Jenny Malak, vice president of homecare operations for Agrace, has been appointed by Governor Tony Evers to serve on the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Malak is one of eight members to serve on the Board from across the state. She will serve as one of two licensed practical/registered nurses for a term of four years.

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MADISON, Wis. – Jenny Malak, vice president of homecare operations for Agrace, has been appointed by Governor Tony Evers to serve on the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Malak is one of eight members to serve on the Board from across the state. She will serve as one of two licensed practical/registered nurses for a term of four years.

The Wisconsin State Board of Nursing is responsible for any issue related to the safety of public health and the protection of public from illegal and unauthorized nursing practices. It also enforces standardized training and certifications for all nurse assistants, registered nurses, and advanced medical professionals in Wisconsin.

As vice president of homecare operations, Malak oversees Agrace’s in-home hospice operations, its chronic specialty care program and Agrace Grief Support. She is a registered nurse and is certified in hospice and palliative nursing. Prior to joining Agrace, she held positions as a hospital staff nurse and an ambulatory care charge nurse.

“As a long-time Wisconsin RN I am humbled, grateful and excited to be appointed by Governor Evers to the State Board of Nursing. I look forward to combining my passion for nursing, standards and policy work as the Board works on innovative approaches to nurses caring for the people of Wisconsin,” said Malak.

Malak also serves on several other local and national committees, including the National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation’s (NPHI) chief clinical officer/chief operations officer forum, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) quality and standards committee, the Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Leaders’ new membership committee and the Wisconsin Nurses Association Workforce Advocacy Council.

For more information about Agrace, call (608) 276-4660 or visit agrace.org.

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HSHS CFO out https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/09/11/hshs-cfo-out/ Mon, 11 Sep 2023 17:11:32 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=52489 Kimberly Hodgkinson, chief financial officer and senior vice president for Hospital Sisters Health System, is no longer with the system.

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Doctors push title protection language https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/05/26/doctors-push-title-protection-language/ Fri, 26 May 2023 15:43:13 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=51711 Providers who aren’t licensed medical doctors would be restricted from using certain terms in their titles or to describe or advertise their profession, under a bill spearheaded by doctor groups. 

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On the record with Gov. Tony Evers https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/05/26/on-the-record-with-gov-tony-evers/ Fri, 26 May 2023 15:42:54 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=51710 As the legislative session ramps up and lawmakers continue their work on the state budget, Wisconsin Health News talked this week with Gov. Tony Evers about his health priorities. 

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New ortho group focuses on value-based care https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/03/03/new-ortho-group-focuses-on-value-based-care/ Fri, 03 Mar 2023 17:40:28 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=50951 Dr. Jason Sansone wants to enroll as many patients as possible into value-based-care arrangements.

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Governor’s Health Equity Council leaders weigh in on what’s next in moving recommendations forward https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/2023/02/10/governors-health-equity-council-leaders-weigh-in-on-whats-next-in-moving-recommendations-forward/ Fri, 10 Feb 2023 16:55:53 +0000 https://wisconsinhealthnews.com/?p=50744 Last week, the Governor’s Health Equity Council released a full report detailing what can be done to address the health gaps that exist between Wisconsinites due to where they live, their income level or their race or ethnic identity.

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