WCHQ recognizes health care groups for excellence in clinical practice
The Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ) recognized five Wisconsin health care organizations for superior clinical performance and better patient outcomes. The awards were based on their clinical performance on four measures that were selected by the WCHQ membership as top priorities in 2018.
Gabrielle Rude, Ph.D., WCHQ director of practice transformation, presented the awards at WCHQ’s annual Statewide Quality Improvement Event June 5 in Madison. The following organizations were recognized:
Marshfield Clinic Health System received WCHQ’s Quality Leadership award that recognizes one organization for exceptional quality improvement, active engagement with WCHQ’s work, and mentorship of other organizations.
SSM Health/Dean Health Care for hypertension management. It is the fourth consecutive year SSM Health has been recognized as the top performer for their outstanding work in managing blood pressure in the hypertension patient population by hard wiring their interventions into their work. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can lead to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure or kidney disease.
Associated Physicians, located in Madison, ranked first among WCHQ members on their scores related to screening patients for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps, which are abnormal growths in the colon. Screening tests can find these polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer.
Aspirus ranked first among WCHQ members on their scores related to screening patients for depression. One out of six adults will have depression some time in their lives. Depression complicates chronic conditions and it can contribute to substance abuse and misuse problems. Research shows that 80 percent of patients with depression will improve with treatment.
Primary Care Associates of Appleton received top honors for the second year in row for their A1c control, a blood test that is used to diagnose and monitor how well patients are managing their diabetes. The risks associated with diabetes, when diagnosed early, can be greatly reduced.
“The hardest work is sometimes sustaining consistently high performance and then setting, and reaching, the next level of performance. WCHQ members not only improve the care they provide their own patients, but by working with WCHQ and collaborating with other medical professionals across the state, they are improving care statewide,” according to WCHQ President/CEO Chris Queram. “WCHQ members are not only committed to delivering high quality care, they also believe in health care transparency, which is a core value in our organization.”
WCHQ members publicly report their clinical performance at WCHQ.org. Health care organizations use that data to benchmark and compare their performance to others.
WCHQ is dedicated to helping health care professionals improve the quality and affordability of health care through collaboration, sharing best practices, and public reporting. WCHQ’s membership includes Wisconsin’s integrated health systems, hospitals, medical clinics and independent physician groups. Visit WCHQ.org for more information.